Texas IAF Workforce Strategies Praised in National Media
MIT economist Paul Osterman names various Texas IAF strategies 'models' for the nation while discussing his new book, Good Jobs America: Making Work Better for Everyone.
In the New York Times he notes that despite low wages in the Rio Grande Valley, "the Valley is not hopeless....community organization Valley Interfaith has pushed for training opportunities and living wage jobs."
On NPR, he asserts "there is a network of training programs (Project Quest... VIDA... Capital IDEA...) that are very effective in upgrading low-wage workers into high-quality jobs."
How to Create 'Good Jobs', Governing (09/21)
Good Jobs and Bad Jobs in a Down Economy, NPR (09/12/11)
Yes, We Need Jobs, But What Kind?, New York Times (09/06/11)
Raising Job Quality and Wages to Help Fix Jobs Crises, Washington Post(09/02/11)
More on W/SWIAF Workforce Development Strategies
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